Universal themes

Universal themes

Universal themes


We offer grants within a comprehensive framework of universal themes, which allows us to address all areas of society. Within each of these themes, we offer a programme of Fellowships that addresses a particular topical issue or challenge in the UK. These programmes are developed in consultation with our Advisory Council of subject specialists and are refreshed every few years.

James Handyside
James Handyside (CF 2016, centre) researched new techniques of metal and stonework carving Download 'Our universal themes_James Handyside.jpg'

Our universal themes cover every aspect of society. They are:

  • Arts and culture This covers the arts, crafts and creative industries, including their social, cultural and economic aspects. Story
  • Community and citizenship This covers the functioning and fabric of society, including social cohesion, community resilience and development, human rights, inclusion, participation and equality. Story
  • Economy and enterprise This covers all aspects of the economy, including its development and regulation, wealth and job creation, production and consumption, commerce, enterprise, financial services and industry. Story
  • Education and skills This covers learning and training at all levels, including early years, schools, universities, adult education, apprenticeships, and professional development. Story
  • Environment and resources This covers the natural and man-made environment and the resources deriving from it, including environmental development and conservation, sustainability, agriculture, food, climate, and energy. Story
  • Governance and public provision This covers the functioning and services of the state, including public services, governance and political processes, rule of law and international relations. Story
  • Health and wellbeing This covers physical and mental health and all aspects of their research and provision. Story
  • Science and technology This covers all aspects of science and technology, including research, ethics, education, and applied fields such as engineering, artificial intelligence, and digital development. Story

You can read stories of Fellows’ impact on these areas using the page menu.

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