Fellow’s Profile
Barbara D H Williams
Fellow’s Profile
Barbara D H Williams
Pharmaceutical services for the elderly
Fellowship year
East Midlands
I was awarded a Fellowship over 40 years ago to study pharmaceutical services for the elderly. Previously I had researched this topic in my local area with a study of 100 clients. I investigated their need for knowledge about their medication and assistance to understand and follow the directions from the clinician. During my Fellowship I hoped to discover how these concerns were handled in the countries I visited.
After returning from my Fellowship travels, I was able to incorporate in my own service the ideas obtained whilst visiting overseas practitioners. Before retirement I was pharmacy manager for a group of hospitals in Morayshire.
The Fellowship enhanced my personal and professional life. I became confident travelling alone and meeting pharmacists and health workers. It gave me the ability to improve the services I was responsible for. In recent years I have acted as a mentor to an applicant. I have promoted the Fellowship when giving talks about my experiences both to professional and interested community groups, the most recent to the Mothers' Union at my church. My Fellowship gave me great confidence and a keenness to continue to assist older people with their medication in the UK.
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.