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Connect and Inspire 2024: Welcoming our Fellows

Hot on the heels of announcing our wonderful new cohort of 134 new Churchill Fellows for 2024, it was our absolute pleasure to host our Connect & Inspire event where our new Fellows were able to come together for the first time.


Connect and Inspire 2024: Welcoming our Fellows

Hot on the heels of announcing our wonderful new cohort of 134 new Churchill Fellows for 2024, it was our absolute pleasure to host our Connect & Inspire event where our new Fellows were able to come together for the first time.


King Charles confirms patronage of the Churchill Fellowship

We are proud to share that His Majesty King Charles III has accepted the patronage of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust. This follows a comprehensive review of patronages previously held by The late Queen, The former Prince of Wales, and The former Duchess of Cornwall.


Launch of the Learning from 'Living Well Together' report

The Migration: Living Well Together programme was developed and funded in partnership with The Linbury Trust and ran from 2017–2019. This learning brief aims to capture the actionable insights from the cohort of 29 Churchill Fellows awarded under this programme.


Launch of the Learning from 'Living Well Together' report

The Migration: Living Well Together programme was developed and funded in partnership with The Linbury Trust and ran from 2017–2019. This learning brief aims to capture the actionable insights from the cohort of 29 Churchill Fellows awarded under this programme.

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