Brian Fraser

Fellow’s Profile

Brian Fraser

Fellow’s Profile

Brian Fraser

Reconciliation programmes for Scottish prisons




Fellowship year





I carried out my Fellowship in 2008 when working as Director of Prison Fellowship Scotland – a Christian outreach to prisoners and their families by officers and a wide range of volunteers across the country. PF Scotland is a constituent part of Prison Fellowship International, working across 120 countries. I have since retired from the organisation but remain in close contact.

My Fellowship was concerned with the Application of Restorative Justice in Scotland, and involved visits to those countries at the forefront of the idea – bringing together victim and offender, and understanding the nature of this rehabilitation. The countries visited were the USA, Australia and New Zealand (with its Maori tradition in this area).

The subsequent development of restorative justice in Scottish prisons has had a considerable impact – on the prison service itself, prison chaplaincy, communities, and in changing the lives of individuals.

I am hugely grateful for my Fellowship opportunity and am keen to remain closely in touch, despite advancing years.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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