Erica Bargman

Fellow’s Profile

Erica Bargman

Fellow’s Profile

Erica Bargman

Collection, disposal and recycling silage effluent




Fellowship year



South East


I am a partner with my son, Tim, at Canfields Organic Farm.

My Fellowship was on waste industry collection, disposal and recycling. I studied silage effluent. As a farmer I knew there was a problem with polluting watercourses with silage effluent, which is the liquid run off when partly wilted grass is stored on the farm. This toxic liquid deoxygenates the water, thus killing the fish. In 1992 I organised an exhibition at Hyde Park in London, demonstrating how best to prevent pollution with silage effluent and to recycle the toxic effluent.

I have been a district councillor at Horsham District Council and was Chairman of the Rural Forum (during the foot and mouth crisis). I represented BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation, at the European Commission mid-term review of the Common Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee on rural development.

In 2014 I visited the Ministry of Agriculture in Grand Cayman, which is interested in organic farming. A tour of their farms resulted in articles in the press in the UK and Grand Cayman. Today I sell organic beef and veal direct from Canfields Organic Farm. The Fellowship has given me the opportunity of a lifetime and opened many doors in the pursuit of sustainable farming.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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