Gwenfil Chessell

Fellow’s Profile

Gwenfil Chessell

Fellow’s Profile

Gwenfil Chessell

Medical education




Fellowship year






I am now retired from my role as a medical educationist at the University of Aberdeen.

My 1988 Churchill Fellowship was for researching innovation in Australian medical education. It was hugely successful for me, not just in the medical curriculum sphere where I was able to use a great deal of what I learnt, but in what I have been able to do since in keeping strong the ties between the UK and Australia. I have been fortunate to have become a writer. Further information can be found on my website.

As a result of the professional links I built up in 1988 during my Fellowship, I have researched, written and had published biographies of 19th-century personalities, usually from naval and medical backgrounds who have contributed to both UK and Australian history.

I have now visited Australia 16 times and my Fellowship changed my life. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities it presented to me. It was a gift almost beyond price.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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