Hannah Tookey

Fellow’s Profile

Hannah Tookey

Fellow’s Profile

Hannah Tookey

Effectively combating and raising awareness about social injustice through art




Raising awareness and combating social injustice through theatre and art outreach programmes


Fellowship year


Supported by


South East


I'm an independent theatre, film and audio producer with several years' experience in the creative industries. At the heart of all of my projects is an urgent or timely social or political issue, and I have a particular interest in work about human rights, the environment, mental health, women's rights, disability, democracy and justice.

My 2016 Fellowship saw me visit the USA and India to research how the arts can effectively combat and raise awareness of issues of social injustice. This learning has fed into all of my work since, and in 2018 I founded my own creative company to develop new projects that are driven by the concept of impact producing. With a focus on theatre and the performing arts, Voxie commissions and produces impact-led artistic projects that focus on creating genuine societal change.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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