Fellow’s Profile
John H Dunston
Fellow’s Profile
John H Dunston
Choral exchanges
I am currently Director of Music at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford. My 1990 Fellowship took me to China, where I worked with choirs of young people in schools, universities and Children's Palaces (public facilities for extra-curricular activities) in 15 cities over two months, introducing them to Western choral music and bringing Chinese music back to the UK.
Throughout my career as a teacher and head, I recognised the unique and universal importance of music in all our lives, especially singing. I led the first tour by a UK school choir to China and my Fellowship enabled me to develop my choral conducting in both secular and sacred settings here and abroad. I engaged with several organisations following my Fellowship, gave illustrated lectures about it, and also arranged a number of gatherings with other Fellows in the same theme.
There is no doubt that both my own musical activity and the impact on choirs I worked with in this country were hugely enhanced by the experience of working with over 60 choirs in China. The Fellowship took place at a seminal turning point in Chinese history – a time when massive change was beginning, felt increasingly in our day.
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.