Fellow’s Profile
Mark Lawrence
Fellow’s Profile
Mark Lawrence
The integration of children's singing into the wider community
Fellowship year
South West
As a composer and music director, my 1997 Churchill Fellowship allowed me to explore children's choirs and their inspiring leaders in the rich singing traditions of Finland and Estonia.
My Fellowship ignited a passion for writing works that include performers of all ages (from 8 to over 80) and for all levels of experience (from beginner to professional). In time, my work as a composer developed into large-scale community operas, often for 200 or more performers. These have included The Hall on the Hill (2017) commissioned by St George's Bristol, Home by Christmas (2014) and Home at Last (2018) marking the centenary of the First World War and Armistice respectively, and Time and Tide (2019) celebrating the 150th anniversary of Clevedon Pier in Somerset.
A few years after my Fellowship I founded Music Box Children's Opera Group in Bristol, together with another Churchill Fellow, Suzi Digby. In 2018 I was awarded the Lady Groves Award by Making Music for my contribution to music in the community. My fascination with Estonian choral music developed into a PhD on the music of Veljo Tormis (at City University, London, 2012).
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.