Fellow’s Profile
Matthew MacIver
Fellow’s Profile
Matthew MacIver
Sport in a small country – participation and excellence
I have been retired since 2008. My Fellowship on school sports was in 1998 and my career took a very different turn after my Fellowship finished. I was, therefore, not able to follow up my conclusions in a way that I would have wished. That does not mean that I have not subsequently talked up the Fellowship – I still do, both in my writings and in my broadcasts for BBC Radio nan Gaidheal.
I also served for some years on the Scottish Committee of the Churchill Fellowship and have addressed Scottish Fellows about the personal benefit of the Fellowship. I am now more than delighted to read the regular trust newsletter and take huge pleasure from the fact that so many still see the Fellowship as something to aim for and to enrich both their lives and the lives of others. It certainly enriched my life.
My career ranged from being a head teacher to serving as the CEO of the General Teaching Council of Scotland. Most of my public service was given to my native language, Gaelic, and in retirement I have been the UK Representative on the Council of Europe's Committee on Minority Languages. My Fellowship was undoubtedly one of the real highlights.
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.