Fellow’s Profile
Matthew Smith
Fellow’s Profile
Matthew Smith
Developing and witnessing good practice in suicide prevention with young people
Preventing suicide among young people by delivering emotional and mental health workshops in schools
Fellowship year
Supported by
North East
I am a founder of the If U Care Share Foundation (IUCSF) – a suicide-prevention and bereavement-support charity.
As part of my Fellowship I travelled to the USA to explore suicide prevention in young people. Since returning, I have led on the work the foundation does with young people up and down the country working with over 10,000 young people. The main aim of the Fellowship was to explore the difference in education, systems around suicide prevention and how this could be replicated in the UK. IUCSF now deliver workshops for all ages four years and above, with the ultimate aim of preventing suicide. The contacts and connections I made help to solidify their work and grow partnerships within the elite football game. IUCSF are a chosen provider for mental-health and suicide-prevention workshops throughout the professional game.
The Fellowship has saved lives and will continue to do so.
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.