Simon Le Clerc

Fellow’s Profile

Simon Le Clerc

Fellow’s Profile

Simon Le Clerc

Non-compressible haemorrhage: time to get to the bleeding point?




Investigating the treatment of non-compressible haemorrhage in trauma patients


Fellowship year



Yorkshire and The Humber



I am the Founder and Managing Director of Player Support Services Ltd. My Fellowship topic was Emergency Non-Compressible Truncal Haemorrhage Control.

As a former specialist military pre-hospital trauma and critical care consultant, I had regular exposure to casualties who were suffering from wounds that caused uncontrollable internal bleeding. Trying to control the bleeding long enough to transfer the patient to hospital was a particular challenge and often unsuccessful. As society becomes more at risk of violent assault with weapons, this has also become an issue for the wider community extending beyond the military environment.

The purpose of my Fellowship was to explore the concepts and early developments in non-compressible truncal haemorrhage being studied by other nations. Several organisations and companies in the USA were in the process of developing treatment options for this group of patients. This also had merit in the event of early treatment of mass casualties.

The Fellowship gave me the confidence to talk with senior level executives and, following an injury, allowed me to develop a global coaching business supporting professional and elite athletes through tough career transition.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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