Stuart Aitken

Fellow’s Profile

Stuart Aitken

Fellow’s Profile

Stuart Aitken

Assessment of vision in blind multihandicapped children




Fellowship year





My Fellowship looked into methods used to assess vision in children and young people with additional disabilities. I had worked with blind and visually impaired youngsters for some years, including research in related areas to do with blindness.

Following my return I switched jobs to work with both the CALL Centre (now CALL Scotland) and Sense, a national voluntary organisation working with people who are deafblind. At CALL I was a member of a small interdisciplinary team at the forefront of developing and providing technology solutions used with children and young people who have some form of communication support need.

Communication aids both low-tech and high-tech, specialised software, app development, text-to-speech including a range of Scottish voices, accessible formats for reading, and many other innovations emerged and continue to do so. At Sense Scotland, I undertook assessments, did training and was extensively involved in policy development to influence local and central government.

My Fellowship weaved through many areas of my work from 1986, not least the many work relationships established and that continued throughout my career. It was invaluable.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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