Susan E Knowles

Fellow’s Profile

Susan E Knowles

Fellow’s Profile

Susan E Knowles

Use of educational provision for hearing-impaired children




Fellowship year





I work as a paediatric educational audiologist and I am based at Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. I have a clinical diagnostic role with deaf babies, and as I am also a qualified teacher of the deaf I have a peripatetic role visiting and supporting families with deaf babies in Kingston.

My Fellowship enabled me to visit pre-school programmes, schools, clinics and training departments for deaf children in Canada and the USA. I have been able to incorporate many of the practices I observed there into my work.

I was a member of the Newborn Hearing Screening Team which introduced testing newborn babies in the UK. I was for many years a teaching placement supervisor for teachers training at the universities of Birmingham, Oxford Brookes and Hertfordshire to be qualified teachers of the deaf. I am a trustee of the Burwood Park Charity, part of the Ewing Foundation, supporting deaf children with additional handicaps. I was a founder member of the Toy Libraries Association and Chair of the Toy Appraisal Committee for 35 years.

Being a Churchill Fellow enabled me to observe a wide range of family, clinical and teaching programmes and to use this knowledge in my daily work.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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