Looking after yourself during your Fellowship
Update: This webinar is now available on YouTube, please click here to access it.
On Tuesday 29 August from 12.00 noon to 1pm we will be holding a webinar focusing on self-care during your Fellowship.
Natalie Tucker (CF 2017), a previous Churchill Fellow will be conducting the session. Natalie is a wellbeing and leadership coach who works with impact-driven leaders.
The session will take the form of a presentation, break out rooms, a wider group discussion and a Q&A. It will cover the following:
- Potential stressors before, during and after your travels
- Understanding your personal self-care risks and needs
- Creating a simple self-care toolkit for your Fellowship
To access the Self-Care session on 29 August at 12.00 noon, please click here.
Please note that the presentation section of the webinar will be recorded.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Please Note:
This session is intended to be helpful and informative, however any support shared does not constitute medical advice as due to the nature of the grant relationship, The Churchill Fellowship is not responsible for your mental health during your Fellowship. We do however, encourage our Fellows to seek the relevant professional or specialist advice, supervision and or support from their workplace, if relevant. If you have questions about any medical related matters, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider without delay