Welcoming an investment expert to our Trustee board
We are delighted to welcome Susan Wood to our board of Trustees. Susan has 42 years’ investment experience,19 years as an investment manager and 23 years as an investment consultant. In 2001 she established Portfolio Review Services to provide independent investment consultancy to charities and family trusts.
Susan is also a trustee of two charities: Tower Hill Trust and College of Arms Trust. She is also a liveryman of both the Fishmongers and the Feltmakers, and served as the first lady Master of the Feltmakers in 2009/2010.
Susan says: “I am very honoured to have been appointed as a Trustee of The Churchill Fellowship and I look forward to playing a full part in the Fellowship’s activities. I really admire the charity’s dedication to supporting individuals in accessing learning to turn their passion for change into action. During my career I have supported charities and livery companies in their mission. I am looking forward to using my investment experience to help The Churchill Fellowship in securing its long-term future.”